Daily Archives: May 2, 2011

Benchmark, Yardstick, Crystal Ball: AAM Introduces New Museum Tool AAM

AAM Annual Meetings are always about the new – but even more so in Houston, where the theme is “The Museum of Tomorrow.” New ideas will percolate in the 160+ program sessions. New products and services will be everywhere in MuseumExpo, with its 200+ exhibitors.

AAM is introducing a new tool at the meeting to help museums understand their operations more clearly and bolster their strategic planning and public communication. Museum Benchmarking Online (MBO) – a new way for museums to store and analyze data and see how they measure up against their peers. How does your museum compare nationally? Regionally? By museum type? By budget size? MBO provides answers to these — and hundred of other questions you haven’t thought of yet – with intuitive graphics and customized reports.

Take a test drive of MBO at the AAM Showcase any time during Expo Hall hours, or come to a special demonstration on Tuesday, May 24 at 2 pm in Room 350E at the George R. Brown Convention Center.   

–Dewey Blanton, American Association of Museums